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[业界] VG全球销量分析:一片大萧条,硬件无亮点,软件无新游

发表于 2012-4-23 14:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Hardware sales aren’t looking too good. Every single platform is down week on week and only the 3DS is up year on year. Overall hardware sales are down 11 percent week on week and 23 percent year on year.

Zero games debuted in the top 30 this week. Software milestones this week in the top 30: Mass Effect 3 (X360) passed the two million mark.

Worldwide Hardware

Week on week sales are down across the board. The 3DS is at the top this week with sales of 174,341 units, which is down 18,674 (-10%).  The PlayStation 3 is down 6,342 (-4%) to 163,783 units sold.  Xbox 360 sales are down 36,689 (-22%) to 132,959 units sold. The Wii sold 71,227 units, which is down 6,275 (-8%).  The PlayStation Vita is down 7,428 (-10%) to 65,566 units sold. The PSP sold 31,364 units, which is down 3,524 (-10%) compared to last week. The DS is down 1,498 (-5%) to 28,076 units sold. Total week on week sales are down 80,430 (-11%) to 667,316.

Year on year sales is up for the 3DS and down for everything else (excluding the Vita which wasn’t available a year ago). The PlayStation 3 is down 8,018 (-5%), the Wii is down 46,297 (-39%), and the Xbox 360 is down 20,299 (-13%). The PSP is down 75,225 (-71%) the DS is down 132,128 (-82%) and the 3DS is up 16,406 (10%). Year on year sales are down 199,995 (-23%).

After a huge increase for the Xbox 360 a week ago, as well as a tiny bump for the Wii and PlayStation 3, all three console sales are down this week. The PlayStation 3 and Wii are at their lowest sales of the year, while the Xbox 360 is just above its previous low for the year. The PlayStation 3 has a 45 percent market share; the Xbox 360 has a 46 percent market share; and the Wii has a 19 percent market share. Compared with ten weeks ago all three home consoles are down.

The 3DS has outsold its predecessor, the DS, by more than 6 to 1 and the Vita has outsold its predecessor, the PSP, by a little more than 2 to 1. The PSP has a 53 percent market share this week for the current generation handhelds and the DS has a 47 percent. The 3DS has a 73 percent market share for the next generation of handhelds, while the Vita has a 27 percent market share. Compared with ten weeks ago the Vita is up, while the 3DS, DS and PSP are down.

Worldwide Software

Zero games debuted in the top 30 this week.

Other games in the top 10 that are not debuts include Kinect Star Wars (X360) at the top spot with sales of 125,764. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (X360) is at number two with sales of 71,133. Mass Effect 3 (X360) is at number three with sales of 63,918. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (PS3) is at number four with sales of 63,157. Just Dance 3 (Wii) is at number five with sales of 62,778.

Kinect Adventures (X360) at number six with sales of 59,858. Kid Icarus: Uprising (3DS) is at number seven with sales of 58,468. Mario Kart 7 (3DS) is at number eight with sales of 56,737. Mario Party 9 (Wii) is at number nine with sales of 56,306. FIFA Street (PS3) rounds out the top 10 with sales of 55,772.

Week on week software totals are down across the board. The Xbox 360 takes the top spot this week with sales of 1.93 million, a decrease of 558,632 (-22%). The PlayStation 3 sold 1.84 million games this week, a decrease of 225,377 (-11%). Wii software sales are down 170,679 (-11%) to 1.33 million. The DS sold 732,332 games, a decrease of 48,520 (-6%). PSP game sales are down 243,513 (-43%) to 316,527 games sold. The 3DS sold 449,251 games, which is down 88,537 (-16%). The Vita sold 106.779 games, a decrease of 8,379 (-7%).  Total combined software is down 1.34 million (-17%) week on week to 6.71 million.

Year on year software totals are up for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and 3DS, and are down for the Wii, PSP and DS. The PlayStation 3 is up 363,673 (25%), the Wii is down 400,142 (-23%) and the Xbox 360 is up 222,775 (13%). The DS is down 732,488 (-50%), the PSP is down 488,933 (-61%) and the 3DS is up 213,030 (90%). Total combined software is down 715,306 (-10%) games sold year on year.

The Xbox 360 sold the most games this week for the second week in a row and the third time in 10 weeks. The PlayStation 3 led for the other seven. The Xbox 360 has a 38 percent market share, the PlayStation 3 with 36 percent, and the Wii with 26 percent. Compared to ten weeks ago all three home consoles are down.

The DS leads this week and for the fifth time in 10 weeks, while the 3DS lead for four of the other weeks and the Vita for one. The DS has a 70 percent market share for the current generation handhelds and the PSP has a 30 percent market share. The 3DS has an 81 percent market share for the next generation handhelds, while the Vita has a 19 percent market share. Compared with ten weeks ago the DS and Vita are up, while the 3DS and PSP are down.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-23 14:17 | 显示全部楼层





本周销量全线下跌。3DS在这个星期依然雄踞榜首,但是仅售出17万4341台,下降1万8674台(-10%)。PlayStation 3下降了6342台(-4%),以16万3783台的销量位居第二。Xbox 360的销售量下降了3万6689台(-22%),以13万2959台的销量占据第三。Wii的销量7万1227台,下降了6275台(-8%)。PSVita下降7428台(-10%),销量为6万5566台。PSP售出3万1364台,下降了3524台(-10%)。DS下降了1498台(-5%),以2万8076台的销量位居最后一名。本周总周销量下跌了8万0430台(-11%),总计为66万7316台。

而与去年同期相比,周销售除了3DS之外全线下跌(vita除外,去年并没有)。PlayStation 3下降8018台(-5%),Wii下降了4万6297台(-39%),Xbox 360下降了2万0299台(-13%)。PSP下降了7万5225台(-71%),DS是下降了惊人的13万2128台(-82%),3DS上涨了1万6406台(10%)。今年销量同比下降19万9995台(-23%)。

在经历了XBOX360上个星期的巨大涨幅后,本周开始回落,而PS3和wii也有不同程度的跌幅。PlayStation 3和Wii达到了今年的最低销量,同时在Xbox 360也仅比今年的低成绩高一点。PlayStation 3占有45%的市场份额,而Xbox 360则占有46%的市场份额,Wii有19%的市场份额。与10周前相比,所有三个家用机的销量都有所下跌。

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