楼主: Schelfaniel

[ARC] KOF98资料全书【Rugal】

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-21 22:33 | 显示全部楼层





-JA和JB就像一陀S -___-#

======= 疑难杂症 ========

Q: 623B/D居然打不到空中的对手!
A: 用D键来发,B键发的只能对地。

Q: 我无法在6B后面进行连续技!
A: 只有第1hit可以取消,然后你还要输入正确的指令。

Q: 近D后面我接不了招!
A: 见上文。

Q: 近C后面我接不了招!
A: 多练,相信你自己。第1hit和第2hit后都可以连招。

Q: 我发不出来2626B/D—总是出623B/D!!!
A: 那试试426426B/D吧,或许简单些。

Q: 我什么招都发不出来!!!

Q: Takuma苦手!!!
A: 不会吧,你可以赢的—Rugal是最好打Takuma的角色之一了: Takuam的二择攻击(飞行道具和中距离下的624B)用26B/D很好破。

A: 嗯...这个不是F&Q所能回答的问题了。试试看疯狂发波,不停的发,运气好的话也许你能蒙赢一两局。

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-21 22:34 | 显示全部楼层

The Madmans' Cafe Presents-

VERSION 1.00 was Crap. Do not read it, it will rot your eyes.


The Madman's Cafe
-We Serve Game News Fresh Off The Grill-



8/04/98 Ver 1.00 Created
8/06/98 Ver 1.50 Created, heavily revised
8/07/98 Ver 1.75 Created, extras added, format copied from Greg Kasavin's Yashiro97' FAQ
8/09/98 Ver 1.80 Created, error with file format (binary, not Ascii) fixed and some revisions

Special thanks to-
OmegaMad, erratew check, extra info & asked me questions which I would have never even thought.
Andrew Seyoon Park, mailed me with a bunch of questions & nice infos and a combo.
Greg Kasavin, since ver 1.75 adopted a lot of his FAQ style which is excellent.
Gunsmith, for being a reference on words and telling me that Ver 1.00 Sucked.

[Legal Disclaimer]
All rights to the game King Of Fighters 98 belong to SNK Co.
This Guidebook is free for non-commercial use only.

Duplication, use of extracted portions of this document or partial copying is strictly
prohibited. If for any case there is a need for quotation, please contact the author,
Henry A. Moriarty at his e-mail address.

This document may not be used commercially for profit under any circumstance.
Please keep in mind that unauthorized duplication or modification without specific consent
is illegal under copyright law.

King Of Fighters 98 Copyright SNK Co., 1998

"The Perfect Player's Guide To Rugal in King Of Fighters 98"
Copyright The Madman's Cafe, 1998

"The Perfect Player's Guide" Series Copyright Henry Moriarty 1998

Questions or Comments Write to "Howlin' Mad" Henry Moriarty at


This guidebook is presented for players who are planning to use Rugal Bernstein,
Regardless if the player has ever used the character or not. Keep in mind however, that
if you play just as the guidebook suggests, you will be playing in just the same way as
the author. A true player does not follow guidelines but use them merely as suggestions.

Rugal is recommended for the following Types of players:
-Players who want a challenge / want to play technical
-Players who want to show that they are not scrubby
-Players who are bored of characters from KOF97'
-Players who just plain simply like Rugal
-Players who prefer to play aggressively

Rugal However, is not recommended for the following Types of Players:
-Players who hate Rugal & Secretaries & People with Yellow teeth
-Players who play to win more than to have fun
-Players who prefer to play defensively
-Entry Level players
-Scrubby Players

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-21 22:34 | 显示全部楼层

**Simplified Chart**
O : Cancelable
- : Not Cancelable
N/A: Not Applicable
1/2: Only First hit is Cancelable


Button: Far Close Crouch

A - O O

B - O -

C - 0 O

D - 1/2 O


F + B 1/2 O N/A



Details On Normal Moves
Ratings: * <---Low High---> *****

--Close A--
Short Jab, comes out fast. Can be comboed into Genocide cutter or Godpress if very close.

--Close B--
Short kick, comes out fast. Can be canceled into Genocide cutter or Godpress if very close.

--Close C--
2 hit punch. Both the first and second hit can be canceled into a command move.
Very useful and damaging.

--Close D--
Double Kick. Come out about the same speed as the Close C, but only the first hit can be


--Far A--
Short jab, not cancelable. Does not work as an anti air either. Not Useful at all.

--Far B--
Low kick with long reach, comes out fairly slow for a weak attack and returns at about the
same speed. Can be used to hit opponent's foot sweeps.

--Far C--
Leans forward for a punch with great range. Looks a bit like Godpress.
Comes out slow, returns slow anear the same speed as well and can thus be countered.

--Far D--
Mid-range kick, has attack range upwards as well as horizontally, making it ok for an early
anti-air. While it has less range than his far C, it also has a much faster recovery time and
is hard to couter as long as it is guarded.


--Crouching A--
One of Rugal's main weapons.
Short reach, but comes out fast and useful for putting pressure on opponent.
Genocide Cutter (B) or double Axe Kick (Forward + B) can combo.
It can also chain into itself or the crouching B.

--Crouching B--
One of Rugal's main weapons.
Cannot be canceled but has excellent reach. Very fast.
It can be chained into the Crouching A, which can then be chained into Forward A
and comboed then into the Godpress.

--Crouching C--
The reach is very bad considering it is a fierce move- about the same reach as the crouching A.
It can be comboed into most command moves.

--Crouching D--
Comes out Slow, but has excellent reach and can be canceled. Do it every once in a while.


--Jumping A--
Comes out fast but has very short reach. Not useful.

--Jumping B--
Comes out fast and has attack range downwards, but has short reach. Not useful.

--Jumping C--
Has short range compared to D but nevertheless useful.

--Jumping D--
Has a very long range sideways and wins against most air combats.

--Vertical Normal Jumping D--
Hits twice.


--Forward + B--
Double Axe Kick- Rugal's most important move.
Comes out fast, leaves Rugal at no disadvantage if guarded unless done very close to opponent.
The Double Axe has about the same reach as Rugals Crouching B (2 characters wide), and can be chained
from any weak attack as well.
Only the first hit is comboable.

The first hit can be canceled into a combo regardless of being used in a chain or individually.
(Rugal's Godpress always goes in as a combo no matter how far the distance)
The second hit cannot be guarded crouching down if done individually. It can also fall the opponent
to the ground if hit in air.

However, if missed, rolled through or rolled out in a cancel AB, Rugal will be opened to attacks, so
do not abuse it.

--Ground CD Attack--
A kick going upwards with very long reach. It may look like an anti-air and can work
as one if done early, but nevertheless it is slow.

--Aerial CD Attack--
About the only aerial attack that Rugal has which actually has attack range downwards.
It can substitute for his jump D and work as his main air attack, but it cannot lead to
a combo when hit.

--Extra Mode Dodge Attack--
A slow uppercut with short reach. Not useful.


--Throw (C)--
Rugal does his Scorpian Deathlock from KOF94' and 95, where he raises one hand to hold the
opponent in the air, and the other ahnd to support that hand. Damage can br increased on this move
if the C button is rapidly pushed, but this throw can also be interrupted by the opponent's
team assistance.

--Throw (D)--
Throws opponent to back, changing left and right positions of Rugal and the opponent.
Unlike the C button throw, it does consistant damage.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-21 22:35 | 显示全部楼层
Special Moves

QCF- Quarter Circle Forward
QCB- Quarter Circle Backward
HCF- Half Circle Forward
HCB- Half Circle Backward
DP- Dragon Punch Motion (Forward, Down, Downforward)

Simplified Info

Reppuken (QCF + A or C) ****
Used for ticking damage, should be done with C most often.

Kaiser Wave (F, HCF + A or c) **
Comes out slow, hits multiple times. A goes slow C goes fast. Power up by holding.

Genocide Cutter ( DP + B or D) *****
B gives good tick damage, hard to counter. D is anti-air, huge opening when guarded.

Dark Barrier (QCF + A or C) ***
Reflects projectiles, always do with B since D has great lage when guarded.

Godpress (HCB + A or C) *****
Comes out fast, presses opponent to edge of stage. Huge lag when guarded.

DM- Deadend Screamer (QCF x 2 + B or D) **
Jumpkicks opponent and twists them away on a hit.
Unguardable on ground, does no hit in air. Detection is a throw.

DM- Gigatec Pressure (QCF, HCB + A or C) *****
Hyper version of Godpress.



(QCF + A or C)

A projectile move which hovers the ground, stolen from Geese Howard of Fatal Fury.
Comes out slow, has some recovery lag after it is shot.

* Difference Between A and C- Speed.

+++The Good+++
It almost has as much of a vertical hit detection as Terry's 97' Power Wave, so opponents
can get hit if they try to jump in from close-by. The fierce Reppuken moves very fast.

+++The Bad+++
If the opponent guards it in face-to-face range, they can attack before Rugal's Recovery.
If shot from mid-range, the opponent can jump in and combo AFTER they see Rugal executing
it. Unlike in KOF95', it cannot be shot while a Kaiser Wave is on the screen.


(F, HCF + A or C -Hold to Power Up)

A vertically huge projectile, stolen from Wolfgang Krauser of Fatal Fury. Comes out very
slow, hits multiple times. Erases normal projectiles.
It can be powered up to 3 Levels, making it hit more times.

* Difference between A and C- Speed of execution and projectile.
B comes out fast but travels slow, D comes out slow but travels fast.
B version is suggested to do normally, not the D.

+++The Good+++
When reflected, it will still hit the opponent since the move hits multiple times.
Also, it can confuse an opponent if the Kaiser Wave is powered up from a far-range, since
they are not close enough to make a physical hit and, and they cannot roll or jump in
because of the danger of being hit any second.

+++The Bad+++
It comes out very slow: an opponent from not a middle distance can hit Rugal with their
projectile right after see him executing the move. The move can easily be AB dodged or
Rolled out of. It can also be jumped over quite easily.


(DP + B or D)

Rugal jumps vertically into the air while slashing a circular motion kick.
Done with a B, it has a wide attack range sideways and downwards.
Done with a D, it has a wide attack range upwards and sideways.
Both hit multiple times.

* Difference between B and D- B is strong downwards and sideways, D is strong upwards
and sideways.

++The Good++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Both B and D have very wide hit range.

B Version- Hard to counter if guarded at the tip. It can hit opponent's footsweeps.
Low risk, "fair" return move.

D Version- It Rugal gets hit while his Genocide cutter hits the opponent as an counter,
he can quickly combo the dropping opponent into a Godpress or Gigatec Press.
High-risk, High Return move.

++The Bad++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Both B and D have no invincibility. It can be guarded in the air on a backjump.

B Version- It does not hit opponents in the air at all.

D Version- If guarded or missed, Rugal floats high up in the air, opened up for any combos.


(QCB + A or C)

A one-hit detection dash tackle. When hit, the opponent will be taken to the edge of the
stage. The hit detection seems to be the same as the first hit in Rush DMs such as Kim's
Phoenix combo and Mary's Splashrose, Very VERY opened when guarded.

* Difference between A and C- Length of dash.

++The Good++
The move comes out very, very fast and can be used in many situations
(ie: opponent misses weak uppercut, opponent is hopping, opponent gets hit in counter
detection, etc) Opponents cannot aerial guard.
Has a wide attack detection range and can snatch opponents in low air.
The Godpress always takes the opponent to the edge of the stage, so if Rugal is cornered
he can instantly switch the situation.

++The Bad++
If the opponent's attack hits simultaneously as Rugal's Godpress hits them, his
Godpress does not damage. Since the move has an attack detection and not a throw detection,
it goes right through AB Dodging opponents and rolling opponents.
However, when guarded he is very, VERY opened for any attacks.


(QCF + B or D)

A force-field which reflects projectiles. It can also physically hit opponents and they
will fall down.

* Difference between B and D- Time of endurance, recovery time when guarded.
(B is very short, D is very long)

++The Good++
Reflects projectiles consistently without much guess on timing as long as it is executed
in advance. The Darkbarrier works as an unreliable anti-air as well.
When done with the B button, it is hard to be countered unless done when opponent is cornered.

++The Bad++
The execution time has increased when compared to the previous in the series, and does not come
into affect until it totally comes out. If missed or rolled through, Rugal is opened to any attacks.
About the only use for the D button version is against opponents changing the timings on a projectile.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-21 22:35 | 显示全部楼层
======= DMS =========

(QCF x 2 + B or D)

A jumpkick which hits opponents on the ground only, but is unguardable since its hit
detection is basically the same as Blue Mary's Spider attack. Once it hits, Rugal twirls
around the opponent's body lying on the ground while laughing.

* Difference between B and D- Length of jump. B goes 1/3 the screen while D goes 3/4 the

** Difference between Normal and Max- In Max, Rugal stays on top of opponent for a while
before spinning on them & does more damage. Also, while the Normal version barely has any
invincibility, the Max version has a fair amount in the start.

++The good++
Since it counts as a ground throw, AB dodges and rolls cannot escape from it.
Once hit, Rugal is situated right next to the opponent with the great advantage of being
able to do anything until the opponent gets up. Useful against opponent with projectiles and
players who often footsweep.

It is plain humiliating to the opponent to be danced over while laying on the ground.

++The Bad++
Can easily be dodged by jumping in air. Also, the Deadend Screamer has almost no invincibility
at the beginning and Rugal can be hit before he even leaves the ground depending on the
situation. It is weak against attacks and can easily be hit even while in the jump kick.


(QCF, QCB + A or C)

A powered up version of Godpress. Has same functions, except with more damage.

* Difference between A and C- Length of dash.

** Difference between Normal and Max- Max makes Rugal take opponent to the end of screen,
then turns around and takes tem to the other end as well. Does more damage than normal DM.

See Godpress for more details.



Closeup A or B or Crouching A (close) -> Command move
(except Kaiser wave, DeadendScreamer or Dark Barrier)

Crouching B -> Crouching A -> Forward + B -> Command move
(except Kaiser wave, DeadendScreamer or Dark Barrier)

Forward + B (1st Hit) -> Command move
(except Kaiser wave, DeadendScreamer or Dark Barrier)

A or B or Crouching A -> Forward + B (1st hit)-> Command move
(except Kaiser wave, DeadendScreamer or Dark Barrier)

Crouching C -> Command move
(except Kaiser wave, DeadendScreamer or Dark Barrier)

Closeup C (2 hits) -> Command move
(except Kaiser wave, DeadendScreamer or Dark Barrier)

Closeup D (1st Hit) -> Command move
(except Kaiser wave, DeadendScreamer or Dark Barrier)

Jump D/C-> Closeup C (2 hits) -> forward + B (1st hit)-> Godpress

*Godpress can be substituted with Gigatec Pressure in combos.



Rugal is not a character for beginners and takes a while for most players to get used
to since he is fairly unique. His normal moves have long reach but comes out slow, and
his command moves are useful but deadly if guarded, making him a double-edged sword.
Since he is not a fast character and none of his command moves are invincible, he must
always stay on the offensive side and not on defense. Note that when Rugal gets cornered,
he has a very hard time escaping.


======WHAT TO DO AT MID RANGE=======

Rugal is at his best at a either a very far range or a fairly close range- that is, about one
character away from the opponent. Thus in a total mid-range, Rugal's first priority would be to
take an advantage against the opponent and acquire that range by either jumping in, rolling in or
Godpressing the opponent.

If the opponent decides to take a chance and roll, combo them and take them to the
edge of the screen with the Godpress. If the opponent takes a chance and jumps in, do a Genocide
Cutter with the D button. If you want to be ambitious, do it late so that the opponent will hit you,
and you will hit the opponent with a "counter" mark. When this happens, the opponent will be in the
air but Rugal will be moveable and on the ground- thus Rugal can snatch them with a Godpress or even
better, his Gigatec Pressure.

Do not Reppuken or Kaiser Wave the opponent at mid-range: this is the easiest distance for the
opponent to roll into Rugal and combo him.

SUMMARY OF MID RANGE------------------
-Get the advantage over opponent
-Roll or short jump
-If opponent jumps, swat them with Genocide cutter (grab them with Godpress)
-If opponent rolls, combo them and Godpress them
-Do not use Reppuken or Kaiser Wave unless from Forward + B or fierce attack.


======WHAT TO DO AT FAR RANGE=======

Rugal usually has an advantage over the opponent at a far distance because he has two
kinds of projectiles and a reflector, meaning that he can choose inbetween the two and if
the opponent shoots a projectile, reflect it. However, unless Rugal is against the opponent
corner to corner, the opponent can attack in with a high jump AFTER they see Rugal forming
his projectile, so beware.

If you want to close in to the opponent, again jumping is more suggested than Rolling in
for Rugal, since his roll is not that fast. Definitely jump in on your own if the opponent's
character is known to be strong at a far distance- for example, Lucky and Yamazaki.

Otherwise, check what the opponent can do- if the opponent has a projectile move,
chances are they will not be desperate to jump in- thus, shoot some Reppukens and Kaiser
Waves, see how they react. If a projectile war begins, reflect theirs with his Drak Barrier
or erase it away with the Kaiser wave.

If the opponent does not have a projectile, they will most likely try to jump or roll
in- thus beware if you decide to shoot projectiles. Jumping in first to take the advantage
may be a good decision.

If the opponent is a throw character, do not shoot projectiles unless you are at a very
safe distance- chances are they will jump or roll right at you and throw you away.

Although such a chance rarely arrives, if Rugal can make a move after shooting his
Reppuken before the opponent closes in and hits him, Rugal can Genocide cutter opponents
in the air or Godpress them when they finish from a roll. Since Kaiser Waves can be
controlled, try using it once in a while as well- opponents will have a hard time jumping
in if Rugal powers up on it, since he can shoot it out at any time desired.
Opponents with projectile reflectors may try to bounce it, but they end up unsuccessful
60-70% of the time since a powered up Kaiser wave hits multiple times.
At times it may bounce without any damage on the opponent- at times the
opponent will get hit -at times, the opponent will get hit but still reflect it.

SUMMARY OF FAR RANGE--------------------------------
-Reppuken or Kaiser Wave opponent
-Jump in after a while
-If opponent jumps, swat them with Genocide cutter and grab them with Godpress

-If opponent rolls, combo them and Godpress them
-Kaiser Wave can't be Reflected well
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-21 22:35 | 显示全部楼层

Rugal is at his best when he is about one character away from the opponent.
Rugal's main weapons at this distance are his Crouching B and his Forward + B. They both
have very good range and very good speed, but have very distinct differences:

Low B: It must be guarded downwards, it cannot be comboed.
Fwd B: The second hit cannot be guarded downwards. First hit can be comboed.

Thus, using a combination of both can surprise the opponent.

The low B can taunt the opponent to jump in, since there is no way they can roll in without
damage against Rugal's low B. Thus opponents become easy target practice for his D button
genocide cutter, and if Rugal is lucky he can connect it to a Godpress. If the opponent keeps
on guarding, try the Forward + B to intimidate their guard.

The forward + B is especially intimidating to the opponent not only because Rugal has a quick
Low B and thus can pressure the opponent to change guarding positions, but since they cannot
take the risk to counter it: Rugal can just go and shoot out the second kick, or cancel it into
a special move. Either way, the opponent will end up guarding upwards in this situation, giving
Rugal a "mind-game" advantage to pressure the opponent. The Forward + B's second hit always knocks
the opponent down if it hits them in the air, giving the move even greater priority. However, do not
abuse the attack since Rugal is very oponed for attacks if it misses or gets rolled through.

If Rugal wants to combo from the first hit, he should shoot a Reppuken if the opponent is very close
since it comboes but is hard to be countered, and a B button Genocide cutter if the Forward + B hits at
the tip since this is hard to counter as well but still comboes. However if Rugal wants to be ambitious,
do his Godpress from the forward + B and it will always connect on a hit.

If the Forward + B or Low B no longer hits (or barely hits), Rugal can do one of three things- hop in
with an attack, footsweep with the D, or wait for the opponent to make a stupid move and counter.
Do not do a far C since it can easily be countered.
If the hop/short jump attack makes it in, combo them and take them to the edge with his Godpress.
If it gets guarded, reposition Rugal poking the opponent with the Low A and B, and do the whole "poke
with Low B and Forward B" phrase again.
If the footsweep gets guarded, Reppkuen or Genocide cutter the opponent, and do a Kaiser
Wave (Weak version) every once in a while.

Another one of the good ways of attacking is to suddenly dash in or roll and attack with his fierce C, since it comes
out fast and has a very good reach for a close attack, plus it cannot be countered since he can safely connect it to a
Forward B and a Reppuken.

If Rugal is at an disadvantage in close range, there is basically only three ways of escaping out of
the pressure since most of his moves are slow. Unless he is cornered or the opponent just keeps on
rushing attacks, none of the following is recommended- just roll back, jump back or wait for the
distance to settle.

The first way is to attack with a genocide cutter. This will generally get hit before it
comes out if done against rapid weak attacks, but it can "hit and get hit" on a 50-50 basis
on most other moves.

Rugal's second form of escape is with his Godpress. since his Godpress comes out very
quickly (it can even combo from a weak attack), Rugal can grab the opponent and take them
to the other side, turning the table totally backwards. Even in a "hit and get hit" basis
Rugal will have some advantage since the opponent will fly into mid-rage territory.
However, the Godpress will open Rugal up to true doom if it gets guarded.

Rugal's final method of escaping is with his CD attack. However, since his CD attack is
strong upwards and not sideways, it can miss an opponent poking with a long attack.

Try not to get cornered at all cost. Rugal has space in the back to escape if in the
middle of the stage, but not in the corner.

Also, since rugal does not have a special throw, he will have to use a normal throw against
guarding opponents at times. When this situation happens, do not throw with the C button-
throw with the D since his C button throw does not afflict consistant damage. It is also useful
when Rugal is cornered since the D button throw changes the left and right positioning to the
opponent. However this also means that he should not do the D button throw if he has the opponent
cornered, sine he will put himself there instead.

- Poke opponent with Low B and Forward B: it's intimidating
- Reppuken from Forward + B when close, Genocide Cutter (B) when far
- Godpress from Forward + B if willing to take risk
- If B's no longer is in hitting range, D Footsweep, hop in or wait for Godpress Chance
- Throw with D, not C

-If cornered, Genocide cutter, Godpress or CD cancel to even the score
-Evening up the score at edge of screen is Kamikaze, but it's better than not retaliating



Thus so far, most tactics for Rugal result in the Godpress of the opponent- which means they
will be taken to the edge of the screen.

Once the opponent is at the edge of the screen, Rugal is free to pressure them with his jump
kicks, weak attacks, etc etc- all as your wish desires. However, here are a few tips.

Poke the opponent until one or two character of a space is left between Rugal and the opponent.
Then Reppuken them.At often times the opponent will try to retaliate and miss, giving Rugal a
chance to do his Godpress ath them again.

2- Pressure the opponent poking them with moves, and then suddenly do a Deadend Screamer-
since this is at the edge of the screen and the opponent cannot roll backwards, the only thing
they can do in jump.

3- Do not allow the opponent to retaliate and let them get away with it. Make sure Rugal always
has the advantage of position over the opponent even if it damages him a litle.

4- It is not a good idea to roll in since Rugal cannot go in the back of the opponent in this

5- If you are far away from the opponent, try shooting a Reppuken so that it will hit the
opponent just as they wake up. And when Rugal recovers from his projectile lage, do the
Deadend Screamer immediately. Many opponents will not be able to react on time and get hit.


=====HOW TO JUMP IN=====

Rugal's jump attack with the D has very excellent priority sideways and is a good starter
to put a rush on the opponent. Try to always use the D when jumping in and sometimes C or
CD, since his A and B have very short range and priority.

Rugal can play it safe and make the tip of the D kick hit the opponent, in which case
he will not be countered even if guarded at a high point since there will be plenty of
distance to the opponent.

If you want to be ambitious, you can land the kick low and connect it into a combo,
but if Rugal gets guarded, a quick A punch right on the land is recommended since his
other moves take time to come out. Guarding is another option, but since Rugal has a
hard time to change to offense after guarding, it is suggested that he hit the opponent
even if he gets hit with a weak attack as well. However, if the opponent is a throw
character, try to backjump with a B or D attack since chances are his A will not even
make it before he gets thrown.

However be warned that Rugal's normal air attacks do not have much attack range
downwards in general, and can sometimes miss crouching opponents even when executed on
the downfall of a jump. His C attack seems to have a *bit* more range downwards than the D,
but not as much sideways. His B attack has an extra *bit* of range downwards than the C,
but it is still pitiful. His CD attack is reccomended for players who just keep on ducking
since it has a nice attack range downwards, but it cannot lead to a combo.
Also, since Rugal's normal jumps are fairly slow, it is reccomened that that he only
jump in with either a short or a high jump, depending on the distance to the opponent.

This also means that Rugal is a hard character to do comboes from a jump (since his attacks
do not have much range downwards and his jumps are slow), so his attacks must be done deeply
to connect.

SUMMARY OF JUMP---------------
-Use D (or C) to jump in: has horizontal range
-Rugal's downward range in jump attacks aren't excellent except for CD attack
-A and B attack sucks
-Rugal's normal jump is slow
-Rugal is hard character to combo from jump attack
-Jump in with Short Jump or High Jump

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-21 22:36 | 显示全部楼层
======= TROUBLESHOOTING ========

Q: Genocide cutter doesn't hit opponents in air!
A: Do it with the D button, B only works on ground.

Q: I can't combo from forward + B!
A: Only the first hit can be comboed from. Do the command right after you execute it.

Q: I can't combo from Closeup D!
A: Read Above.

Q: I can't combo from Closeup C!
A: Practice. Believe in yourself. both the first and second hit can be canceled into a move.

Q: I can't do the Deadend screamer- it always turns into a Genocide Cutter!!
A: Try doing HCF x 2 + B or D instead, it'll make your life a whole lot easier.

Q: I can't do any command moves!!!
A: You've got a broken finger or controller. Go get it fixed.

Q: I can't beat Takuma!!!
A: Oh yes you can-- Rugal is one of the easier characters to beat Takuma with: his two
choice attack (projectile or knee dash from mid-range) can easily be swatted with the Dark

Q: I can't beat the Last Boss!!!
A: Er... That's not this FAQ's Problem. Try shooting some Reppukens and He'll form the
bubble. Reflect it and do the same thing over and over again. You'll win if you're really
发表于 2010-1-20 22:02 | 显示全部楼层
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