Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, 6th Editionaffix
Grammar. A grammatical element prefixed, infixed, or suffixed to the root of a word.
评:SOED/OED 释义之严谨、全面可见一斑:
affix (词缀)= prefix (前缀) + infix (中缀) + suffix (后缀) 英汉大词典(第 2 版)in·fix
► 【语】中缀,中加成分
»Some languages even have infixes, fitted into the body of a word. 有些语种甚至具有嵌入词身之中的中缀。
续评:反正英语里,我是没见到中缀的说法。 特别说明:下面的汉字均系人工查阅《柯林斯 COBUILD 高阶英汉双解学习词典》(第 8 版)而后录入,如有错漏,还请见谅并指出。 - dom, domin ≈ rule 统治, master 掌控: domain, dominate, predominant
- dom ≈ home 家: dome, domestic, domesticated
- don ≈ giving 给予: donate, donor, pardon
- dorm ≈ sleeping 睡眠: dormant, dormer, dormitory
- down ≈ below 在下;至下, lower 下面: downcast, downfall, downhill
- du ≈ two 二;双: duplex, duplicate, duplicitous
- dyn ≈ power 力量: dynamic, dynamite, dynamo
- dys ≈ abnormal 异常, not 不: dysentery, dysfunctional, dyslexia
- e ≈ electronic 电子的: e-book, e-commerce, e-mail
- ec ≈ away 离开, from 从, out 出: eccentric, eclectic, ecstatic
- ics ≈ system 体系, knowledge 知识: economics, electronics, ethics
- fem, femin ≈ woman 女: effeminate, female, feminine
- ego ≈ self 自我: ego, egocentric, egomaniac
- mania ≈ obsession 狂;癖;迷: egomaniac, maniac, pyromaniac
- teen ≈ plus ten 加十, from 13-19 从13至19: eighteen, seventeen, teenager
- e ≈ away 离开, out 出: eject, emigrate, emit
- electr ≈ electric 电力的: electrician, electricity, electron
- luc ≈ light 光: elucidate, lucid, translucent
- man ≈ hand 手: emancipate, manacle, manicure
- mascul ≈ man 男: emasculate, masculine, masculinity
- em ≈ making 使, putting 置: embed, embellish, empower
- merg ≈ sinking 下沉: emerge, merge, submerge
- migr ≈ moving 移动, changing 变化: emigrant, immigrant, migrant
- en ≈ making 使, putting 置: enable, enact, encode
- joy ≈ being glad 喜悦: enjoy, joyful, joyous
- numer ≈ number 数: enumerate, innumerable, numeral
- oxi, oxy ≈ oxygen 氧: epoxy, oxidation, oxidize
- equi ≈ equal 等: equidistant, equilateral, equitable
- ero ≈ sex 性, love 爱: erogenous, erotic, erotica
- otic ≈ affecting 影响…的, causing 引起…的: erotic, neurotic, patriotic
- scal, scala ≈ ladder 爬梯, stairs 楼梯: escalate, escalator, scale
- ethn ≈ race 人种, nation 民族: ethnic, ethnicity, ethnocentric
- vac ≈ empty 空: evacuate, vacant, vacate
- vap ≈ steam 蒸汽: evaporate, vapid, vapour
- ex ≈ away 离开, from 从, out 出: exceed, exit, explode
- orb ≈ circle 圆: exorbitant, orb, orbit
- pater, patr ≈ father 父: expatriate, paternal, patriarchy
- port ≈ carrying 搬运: export, import, portable
- propr ≈ owning 拥有: expropriate, proprietorial, proprietor
- purg ≈ cleaning 清洗: expurgate, purgative, purgatory
- extra ≈ outside of 在…外: extract, extradite, extraordinary
- mur ≈ wall 墙壁: extra-mural, intra-mural, mural
- terr ≈ earth 地: extraterrestrial, subterranean, terrain
- trude ≈ pushing 推: extrude, intrude, obtrude
- fin ≈ end 终;末尾: final, finale, finish
- ize ≈ making 使: finalize, marginalize, normalize
- monger ≈ dealer in …贩子;…商人: fishmonger, ironmonger, warmonger
- fix ≈ fastening 固定: fixation, prefix, suffix
- flam ≈ burning 燃烧: flame, flammable, inflame
- flex ≈ bending 弯曲: flex, flexible, reflex