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[专栏] 【002】“蓝瘦,香菇”在词典里怎么讲?

发表于 2017-9-12 23:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


2016 年 12 月 14 日,“蓝瘦,香菇”入选《咬文嚼字》“2016年十大流行语”,查了一下,发现就是“难受,想哭”的意思,这世界变化快啊。
::《现代汉语词典》(第 7 版)
难受 nánshòu

1 身体不舒服: 浑身疼得~。
2 伤心; 不痛快: 他知道事情做错了, 心里很~。


:: 商務新詞典
撇嘴 piězuǐ
下唇前伸,嘴角向下,表示輕蔑、不高興等 ▷撇嘴想哭。

» 漢書.卷七十二.鮑宣傳:「父子夫婦不能相保,誠可為酸鼻。」
» 文選.宋玉.高唐賦:「孤子寡婦,寒心酸鼻。」

::《英汉大词典》(第 2 版)
» I felt like crying and laughed instead. 我想哭,反倒笑了。
» a person all laughy and criey 一个同时既想笑又想哭的人

:: 《新世纪英汉大词典》
» I was tearful all the time and I lost my confidence. 从头到尾我都想哭一场,我失去了信心。
» I got a little teary. 我有点想哭。

» He almost felt like weeping with frustration. 他沮丧得几乎想哭。

:: Oxford Chinese Dictionary
» to feel tearful 想哭

:: 《新牛津英汉双解大词典》(第 2 版)
» ridiculously, I felt like crying.荒唐可笑的是, 我竟想哭。
» perversely, she felt nearer to tears now than at any other moment in the conversation 说起来有些怪, 现在她感到比谈话中的任何时刻都更想哭

::《朗文当代高级英语学习词典》(英英·英汉双解)(第 5 版)
» She felt like crying with frustration. 她沮丧得直想哭。

» You may feel tearful in situations where you feel conspicuous. 觉得自己身处众目睽睽之下时,你可能会有想哭的感觉。

:: 《新世纪英汉大词典》
» It was very hard in extreme heat and at altitude. 炎热天气和高海拔环境让人非常难受。
» She suffered badly from morning sickness. 她妊娠晨吐严重,十分难受。
» He felt so ill that he blacked out. 他感觉很难受,昏了过去。
» He had gone from 15 stone to just six. To see him like that, all skin and bone, was just terrible. 他从15英石瘦到只有6英石。看着他骨瘦如柴的样子真让人难受。
» She thought she could never stop until convulsive sobs racked her even more. 她想如果不是因为抽泣让她更加难受,恐怕她永远也停不下来。
» I had a racking cough every winter. 每年冬天我都咳得非常难受。
» an unpleasant skin eruption 难受的皮肤出疹
» I can't control my eating. It's hard when people don't understand and call you a glutton. 我控制不住自己的饮食。当别人不理解你还叫你贪吃鬼的时候,那真是太难受了。
» That shrill laugh grated on her. 那种刺耳的笑声让她难受。
» I had not seen my son for seven weeks and it was killing me. 我已经7周没有见儿子了,这真让我难受。
» He felt too miserable and lethargic to get dressed. 他心里很难受,一点儿精神都没有,连衣服都懒得穿好。
» He looked miserably down at his plate. 他难受地低头看着他的盘子。
» the mother of all hangovers 最难受的宿醉
» I was feeling so ill. I was nauseous for ages. 我难受死了,一直想吐。
» a sickening feeling that was near to nausea 近乎恶心的难受感觉
» John Steinbeck used the dust and the pitiless skies as the backcloth to his novel. 约翰•斯坦贝克用沙尘和令人难受的天空作为小说的背景。
» His legs ached continually and his insides hurt. 他的两条腿一直疼,肚子也难受。
» Her sunburn made intimacy too painful. 她皮肤晒伤,行房时很难受。

:: 《英汉大词典》
» We felt cramped in the tiny room. 在那小房间里我们感到挤得难受。
» cruel weather 令人极难受的天气
» Living outside London was death to him. 不在伦敦生活对他来说像死一般难受。
» His stomach seemed to ease; the edge was off. 他的胃似乎好过一些,最难受的时刻过去了。
» Her mannerisms were painfully genteel. 她那种矫揉造作是假装斯文,看着让人难受。
» It goes hard with him to be alone so often.他经常孑身独居,这使他感到很难受。
» I should have never said that to her. Now I feel horrible. 我真不该对她讲那种话。现在我心里难受极了。
» You'll feel awful in the morning, if you drink so much. 你喝得这么多,明天早上会感到难受的。
» The smoke irritated my eyes. 烟熏得我眼睛怪难受的。
» He suffered from a bad attack of katzenjammer. 他酒醉后难受得要命。
» She felt miserable for months after she got her divorce. 她离婚后心里难受了好几个月。
» a miserable face (groan) 痛苦的脸(呻吟)
» You look terribly tired. Did you have another murderous day? 你看上去累坏了,又是难受的一天吧?
» It pained me to see him thinner from illness. 看到他因病而日渐消瘦,我心里很难受。
» His stomach pinched with hunger. 他肚子饿得难受。

After reading so many sentences, I felt like crying.

再插一句,香菇的一个英文说法是 shiitake [OED 注音 /ʃɪɪˈtɑːkeɪ/, 但是 OALD 注音 /ʃɪˈtɑːki ; NAmE ʃɪˈtɑːki / /ʃiːˈtɑːki ; NAmE ʃiːˈtɑːki / ,到底怎么念?想哭不?] ,来自日语 “シイタケ” ,但是这词和 shit 好像,吃完饭了吧?吃 shiitake 了没?

本文配图 Holy Shiitake Mushroom by megabeagle ,同系列还有 Son of a Biscuit , What the Fudge 。

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