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[专栏] 【011】平安夜和苹果

发表于 2017-9-16 23:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


  • 每年十二月二十四日,即耶誕節的前一天晚上。也稱為「耶誕夜」。
  • 樂曲名。耶誕夜晚所唱的聖歌。西元一八一八年奧地利阿爾卑斯山山麓小村莊奧伯朵夫的牧師約瑟夫摩爾和音樂家佛茲葛汝伯共同作詞譜曲。起因是當地教堂在耶誕前夕,風琴突然壞了,為彌補耶誕夜沒有風琴伴奏唱詩的缺憾,而創作了此一歌曲。由於詞、曲優美,廣為流傳,為耶誕夜必唱的歌曲。

‘Silent Night’ is my favourite (Christmas) carol.“平安夜”是我最喜欢的圣诞颂歌。
有篇在中国的老外写的文章:Expensive Apples Mean Christmas Time in China BY NOELLE MATEER December 24, 2014
There is, however, one Christmas tradition that’s distinctly Chinese: Apples.
The Chinese word for apple, pingguo, sounds a lot like the Chinese word for Christmas Eve, ping’an ye, and, as such, a tradition has formed. While Americans shell out wads of US dollars for high-tech presents like iPhones and Xboxes, Chinese friends simply exchange apples.
不过我搜了下,有本 1880 年的考古方面的出版物 by J. R. Smith.,The Reliquary and Illustrated Archaeologist,: A Quarterly Journal and Review Devoted to the Study of Early Pagan and Christian Antiquities of Great Britain, Volume 20 。
At Ripon, the choir boys used to come into the church on Christmas Eve, with baskets of apples, and sprigs of rosemary stuck in each apple, which they gave to all the congregation, who returned them some small reward.
【苹果】pínɡ ɡuǒ
落叶乔木。 叶椭圆形或卵圆形,表面有茸毛。 花淡红或淡紫红色。 大多自花不孕,需异花授粉。 果实由子房和花托发育而成,呈圆、扁圆、椭圆形等,果皮青、黄或红色。 果肉清脆香甜,可生食或加工成果酱、蜜饯、果酒等。 也指这种植物的果实。
朗文当代高级英语学习词典(英英·英汉双解)(第 5 版)
» We spent Christmas Eve cooking and getting ready for Christmas Day. 圣诞前夕我们烹煮食物,为圣诞节做准备。
» Unfortunately, I’ve got to work on Christmas Eve. 很可惜,平安夜我得上班。[注:哈哈]
» We’re arriving on Christmas Eve . 我们将在平安夜到达。
柯林斯 COBUILD 高阶英汉双解学习词典
» She was free for five whole days, from Christmas Eve. And so she would be going to Charles,  to join her family… 她从圣诞夜开始有整整 5 天的自由时间,于是她准备去查尔斯跟家人呆在一起。
» Richard had turned up on Christmas Eve with Tony… 理查德和托尼在圣诞夜一道露面了。
英汉大词典(第 2 版)
» “A Merry Christmas!” he shouted at curtainfall. 幕落时他大叫:“圣诞快乐!”
» A merry Christmas (to you)! 圣诞快乐!
» Happy Christmas! 圣诞快乐!
» Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!
» Merry Christmas one and all! 祝大家圣诞节快乐!
牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第 8 版)
» A merry Xmas to all our readers! 祝广大读者圣诞快乐!
注:封面图片来自 pixabay,© CC0 Public Domain,是苹果花。

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